Valley of the queens-missing queens.

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Valley of the queens-missing queens.

Post by Frater0082 »

The valley of the Queens is the second biggest grave yard next to its counterpart, the valley of the kings and yet no queens has been found.

I wonder is their a caChe secretly hidden or what because none of the ancient queens and princesses from the late 18th Dynasty on down has been found we're missing;
Queen Sitamun
Queen Iset
Queen Nefertari
Queen Tey
Queen Sit re
Queen Tuya
And many more. Now I do believe that perhaps the tomb's of Sitamun and her sisters are in a tomb adjacent to that of Amenhotep III's tomb ( it would make alot of sense) for them to be near their father's tomb. I don't see any other reason for them to be buried else where in the Valley of the Kings or Queens. Perhaps their is a small shaft or a tomb within a tomb just like we saw with Amenhotep II. While h brings me to my next point.

It's obvious that the Younger Lady Mummy and Tiye were both hidden off for their safety which of course means that they both were high up on the Amarna chain.

The younger lady had to have been someone incredibly important not just the fact that she was the mother of Tutankhamun or a child of Tiye but a Great Royal Wife with a lot of power and yes I'm implying that this mummy is of Queen Nefertiti. No one would've gone to this extreme to bury a minor queen no matter what link she had to the family. Furthermore if that was the case we would've had an entire cache of mummies from the royal family behind that wall and in this case we do not.

I'm pretty sure that Tiye wouldn't have been buried with just two of her children.

Nefertiti died in Amarna but her tomb was never finished and it could possibly be due to their religious turmoil. It makes me wonder if the body of Meketaten had been cremated or destroyed due to the plaque. This could explain why her body was never found.

Whoever the Jane Doe mummy is she was far too important than "a King's Sister" to be where she ended up. Her right arm was bent off for what? Did she really held a Septor? Why was her head shaven and not like that of Tiye's.

Hell even the KV21 mummies were found with hair, yet this one did not. Hatshepsut was found with a bald head as well. Could it be that she was more than a queen?

The headband marks on the forehead what did she wore on her head when she died. The double ear piercing us only seen on one Amarnan women and that's Nefertiti, end of story.

We can debate about this all year long and used dated theories for hours but we have to look at the situation full circle all around to get a definite understanding of not just her death but the circumstances leading up to burial and the way she was buried.

Furthermore, I don't think Tutankhamun even knew about a secret chamber in Amenhotep II's someone with knowledge of the tomb, someone older comissioned the burial of the Younger Lady and I believe it was Akhenaten himself.

These queens are out there somewhere in the Valleyof the Kings and Queens. I find it hard to believe that they're still missing or sold by tomb raiders they're our there probably still tainted with gold still slumbering in these tomb's.

A queens cache probably like the one found with all the kings in it must be deep within a fissure in either valley but they are out there somewhere waiting.

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Re: Valley of the queens-missing queens.

Post by A-Four »

Frater0082 wrote:
These queens are out there somewhere in the Valleyof the Kings and Queens. I find it hard to believe that they're still missing or sold by tomb raiders they're our there probably still tainted with gold still slumbering in these tomb's.

A queens cache probably like the one found with all the kings in it must be deep within a fissure in either valley but they are out there somewhere waiting.
It seems Frater that you are not alone in this idea. If you look back to a subject posted by me in this section on March 9th, you will see that I was seeking information about a place called Wadi El Ghabi, also known as Scarab Valley, where at its very Western end is a 'false door'. Although the whole area suddenly became 'out of bounds' at the end of last year, I am informed that quite intense study has already taken place, which up until now has never been shown such great interest, but now all of a sudden, is similar to that carried out in the Monkey Valley a few years ago.

With regards to your other written work here on the so called Valley of the Queens. For the life of me I can not for one moment understand and never have, why this area is so called. In my opinion it would be more correct to call this area the Valley of the Princes.
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Re: Valley of the queens-missing queens.

Post by newcastle »

The term "queen" in its modern sense has no equivalent in ancient Egypt (at least before the Ptolemaic period). "Royal" women were either princesses (daughters of the king) or wives of the king - and he would have had several. Kingship itself was an exclusively male role.

The ancient name for the valley was Ta Set Neferu - the "place of beauty".

From what (relatively little) excavation has been carried out, it appears the valley was almost exclusively the resting place of royal females until 20th dynasty.

It would be absurd to call it Valley of the Princes.....there are more than twice as many 'queens'. 'princess-queens' and 'princesses' than there are princes in currently identified tombs.
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