No injustice, no turning back and no giving in to the West

Luxor has both Christian and Moslem communities and the politics of the Middle East are equally diverse. Air your views on the situation.

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No injustice, no turning back and no giving in to the West

Post by DJKeefy »

No injustice, no turning back and no giving in to the West, says Morsy.

There will be no more injustice or corruption in society, the Freedom and Justice Party’s presidential candidate Mohamed Morsy promised on Wednesday. All Egyptians will be treated equally and will be rendered the same services anywhere in the country, he continued.

“We shall no longer be submissive to the West,” he said at a rally in Al-Obour Market. “For Egyptians have dignity and pride, which I shall preserve if I win.”

Morsy promised the fruit and vegetable traders that he would solve all their problems, especially having to buy expensive fuel illegally due to the energy crisis, and the difficulties they face in transferring their goods to the market.

He also vowed to provide medicine and equal employment opportunities for all.

Source: ... says-morsy

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Re: No injustice, no turning back and no giving in to the We

Post by HEPZIBAH »

I am reminded of an old saying of my father's...

The impossible we do at once - miracles take a little longer!

Why oh why do politicians come out with such stupid statements as those by Morsy. Yes, it's the ideal that every man, women and child would like to see and needs - but we don't live in an ideal world. What is even sadder is that people in their ignorance - and hope - will believe him.

His 'There will be no more injustice or corruption in society,...' is worthy of a Miss World speach! :xx
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