Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

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Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by DJKeefy »

Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule, says Muslim cleric.

If Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Mursi became president, Egypt’s new capital will no more be Cairo, but the new capital will be Jerusalem, a prominent Egyptian cleric said at a presidential campaign rally, which was aired by an Egyptian private TV channel.


“Our capital shall not be Cairo, Mecca or Medina. It shall be Jerusalem with God’s will. Our chants shall be: ‘millions of martyrs will march towards Jerusalem’,” prominent cleric Safwat Hagazy said, according to the video aired by Egypt’s religious Annas TV on Tuesday.

The video went viral after being posted on YouTube – accompanied by English subtitles by Memri TV –, with 61,691 views until Thursday night.

“The United States of the Arabs will be restored on the hands of that man [Mursi] and his supporters. The capital of the [Muslim] Caliphate will be Jerusalem with God’s will,” Hegazy said, as the crowds cheered, waving the Egyptian flags along with the flags of the Islamist Hamas group, which rules the Gaza Strip.

“Tomorrow Mursi will liberate Gaza,” the crowds chanted.

“Yes, we will either pray in Jerusalem or we will be martyred there,” Hegazy said.

Hegazy’s speech came during a presidential campaign rally at the Egyptian Delta city of Mahalla, where Mursi attended along with the Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohammed Badei and members of the group and its political wing the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP).

Mursi will challenge Egypt’s former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq in the election run-off, scheduled on June 16 and 17. Shafiq, an air force general, was the country’s last prime minister before former president Hosni Mubarak was forced to step down by a popular uprising in February 2011.

A court on Saturday sentenced the former ruler and his interior minister to life imprisonment for their role in the killings of up to 850 protesters in the January 25 uprising that ended Mubarak’s 30-year rule. Six senior police officers were acquitted for lack of evidence.

The verdicts were met by angry street protests by Egyptians who considered them too lenient and demanded a purge of the judiciary.

Members of the Islamist-dominated parliament attacked the verdicts, accusing the court of ignoring the rights of peaceful protesters killed in the uprising.

Hegazy led thousands of protesters at Cairo’s iconic Tarir Square against the verdicts. Protesters also called for the endorsing of the ‘Political Isolation Law’ that could bar political figures from Mubarak era, including Shafiq, from joining political life in the country for some years.

Endorsing the law, which will be decided by Cairo Supreme Constitutional Court on June 14, two days before the election run-off, could push Shafiq out of the presidential race.

For activists, choosing Shafiq would symbolize a return to the old regime and an end to the revolution. Voting for Mursi, on the other hand, would mean handing Egypt to an Islamic movement they say has monopolized power since the uprising.

Source: ... 19272.html

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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by Lisak »

Hmmmm can see Israel saying something about that!
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by LivinginLuxor »

Sometimes I think these sort of posts are now reaching the level of overkill. Nothing wrong with a bit of cut and paste, especially if garnished with some comments by the poster, but I do know quite a few people who wonder what the purpose of such posts are - as they are taken from online newspapers like Al-Ahram or Egypt Independent and are available on their sites. Quite often they contain ridiculous statements like the above, which will be denied upon the next day.
I might agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong!
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by DJKeefy »

LivinginLuxor wrote:Sometimes I think these sort of posts are now reaching the level of overkill. Nothing wrong with a bit of cut and paste, especially if garnished with some comments by the poster, but I do know quite a few people who wonder what the purpose of such posts are - as they are taken from online newspapers like Al-Ahram or Egypt Independent and are available on their sites. Quite often they contain ridiculous statements like the above, which will be denied upon the next day.

What's the point in your post too Stan :roll: Of course some people will moan about them, that's life, I know quite a few people who enjoy reading them, it saves them from going from site to site.

How can the above cut and paste :up be denied on any day when there is the video as proof :)

You keep to your way of posting and I will stick to my way Stan :mrgreen:
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by HEPZIBAH »

I, and I'm guessing many others. find these news articles interesting. I may not read them all or find the content of those I do read either interesting or to my taste but at least they they have been brought to my attention and I have the choice to read them or not. I may well not have seen them at all if they had not been posted here.
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by TonyC »

I do agree that news items copied and pasted here can be of interest ... though I've usually read most of them earlier (I can access Ahram and Egypt Independent far faster than L4u!). The choice does seem somewhat selective (often the headlines reflect that old Islamist menace!). And often the "scare" is much reduced the following day by the follow up stories ... but we never get the follow-ups on here. Take, for example, the kidnapping of two Americans the other day ... published on here as they were being released. So after the incident was over, we get alarmed posters demanding to know what's going on.
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by TonyC »

Incidentally, from a professional view, the L4u headline states a fact where even the tabloid trash channel item has the grace to cover itself with the words "says Muslim cleric"!
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by Robert Send »

Still trying to find out how the election Results were come by!

Because if you work it out each candidate only got roughly 8% of the populations vote! So how does it work?
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by Jayway »

:))) :))) :))) Dear Robert , its called a FARCE - -
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by Bearded Brian »

The same way as the conservatives only got 16% of the populations vote.
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by Bearded Brian »

When you look at the general election results the UK conservatives only achieved 23-24% of those elligable to vote whereas the FJP achieved around 20% so not that much difference between the leading parties in each country.
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by DJKeefy »

TonyC wrote:I do agree that news items copied and pasted here can be of interest ... though I've usually read most of them earlier (I can access Ahram and Egypt Independent far faster than L4u!). The choice does seem somewhat selective (often the headlines reflect that old Islamist menace!). And often the "scare" is much reduced the following day by the follow up stories ... but we never get the follow-ups on here. Take, for example, the kidnapping of two Americans the other day ... published on here as they were being released. So after the incident was over, we get alarmed posters demanding to know what's going on.
There is not much more to post on Egypt at the momemt TonyC it's all seems to be politics or the unrest in Egypt, even the COGS IN THE WHEEL (A day in the life of an Egyptian) stories even mentions the state of Egypt at the moment.

Looking back on some of the recent posts there is follow up's in the original topic, the last kidnapping at Abu Simbel admittingly did not though.

The headline for this topic was too long and all would not fit in the box, if you notice on any topic that I post that wont fit in the headling box I post the full headline in the post and make the text large.

I think you have been sitting with Stan too long (your sounding like him) :lol: (JOKING) :lol:

BTW, I was using someones MAC the other day (using Firefox) and Luxor4u was loading fast, however facebook was unbearable at loading. I still think its a West Bank thing that's causing the problem (remember we are a dynamic website, not static).
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by gd47 »

Personally, I'm extremely impressed in the manner that Keefy does his best to keep all informed as to the developing situations here.

Very many thanks, Keefy, for your hard (and often thankless!) work.

Some, (let's hope the majority), REALLY appreciate your effort!
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by WIZARD »

gd47 wrote:Personally, I'm extremely impressed in the manner that Keefy does his best to keep all informed as to the developing situations here.

Very many thanks, Keefy, for your hard (and often thankless!) work.

Some, (let's hope the majority), REALLY appreciate your effort!
Yes, I agree with you here George and I know there are many more who do too.
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by Bearded Brian »

When I'm in the UK I'm on the computer at work for most of the day and don't have the inclination nor the time to trawl the internet for such items when I'm home - when I'm on holiday I try to keep the computer usage down to a minimum so it's useful to have these items highlighted for me. So I'll second gd47's comments and also thank Kevin for all his historical links/posts.
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by DJKeefy »

Thanks for your support :)

I like to thank Kevin and Hepzi too for all the articles they post, some might not get many replies (like mine) but they are welcome and read by many.. :up
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by LivinginLuxor »

Can't see why a dynamic site is slower on the West Bank than the East. Normally, Facebook is one of the quickest sites to load, but a couple of days ago, pages were taking longer to load than those here. That was because they were upgrading their software apparently and the next day it was back to normal.
I might agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong!
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by DJKeefy »

LivinginLuxor wrote:Can't see why a dynamic site is slower on the West Bank than the East. Normally, Facebook is one of the quickest sites to load, but a couple of days ago, pages were taking longer to load than those here. That was because they were upgrading their software apparently and the next day it was back to normal.
If your provider has it set up similar to how Melanie (Hurghada) provider had her's set up then it could make a difference, her Ip was constantly changing while she surfed the web, which resulted in her getting kicked out of the forum or other strange things, the forum uses sessions which is via your connection IP, if this changes while logged in, it can cause all kinds of problems.

I cant think of anything else which could be causing the slowness for some people at the West Bank, like i keep saying, here at the East Bank and other parts of the world, its running fast.
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by Bullet Magnet »

Mursi to Liberate Gaza.. !!!!
That's ambitous, :cool:


Not to mention suicidal.... :cg
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Re: Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule

Post by TonyC »

DJKeefy wrote:I think you have been sitting with Stan too long (your sounding like him) :lol: (JOKING) :lol:
I do have a mind of my own, you know! :D But just a plea for more balance ... I get that from reading many news stories, not a selected few.
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