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Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:40 pm
by Aromagician
Many Astrologers have been predicting that a global event was going to occur because of the configuration of the planets.
here is an example: ... 00706.html
In the period between July to October, I'm expecting a large-scale global economic crisis, which will affect all countries of the world. Today, we're witnessing the preparation of this development illustrated by the downfall of financial markets," said Tatiana.

2020 will be a decisive year for all humanity. This year, the two most important astrological cycles are ending. The first cycle lasts 240 years and it's connected to the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. The second cycle lasts much longer at 2,160 years and is the movement of the Earth's axis from the sign of Pisces to the sign of Aquarius. This is known as the Age of Aquarius.

"The ending of these cycles represents turbulent global times as old economic and political systems are breaking down to be replaced by new ones. The process is already happening in front of us. Not one system will give up without a fight. The resistance of the old world will be stubborn, hostile, but useless," said Tatiana.

The peak of conflict between supporters of the old order and the new will happen in the second half of 2020. In this same period, we may witness peace agreements breaking down and active military hostility in hot spots around the world. Nothing will remain the same. We're on the verge of a global change.
She says on her prediction page that the Age of Pisces is ending this year and the Age of Aquarius is beginning now ... sformation

We think we are separate entities and yet the planets and the stars circle round us and provide energies in such strong waves that they control our very way of life.

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:42 pm
by Who2
Relatively interesting 'painted with a rather broad brush..
Personally speaking I always referred to Linda Goodman's' Love Signs.... 8)
Ps: Come back old Mother Shipton, all is forgiven..
Pss: Sadly she's probably right about Trump, but let's face it, Americans....

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:20 pm
by newcastle
I started a career as a psychic but soon gave it up.

Couldn’t see any future in it. 8)

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:56 am
by John Landon
Thank god we got Pisces out of the way, but even JC said that his time would end when you see a man pouring a pitcher of water on the ground.... Enough said...

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 12:57 am
by Aromagician
So what does that mean ?
Maybe men washing their hands furiously every day singing happy birthday to make sure they don’t catch the coronavirus

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:11 pm
by Teddyboy
I haven't read so much nonsense in one place for a long time! Keep the comedy coming, please?

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 5:16 pm
by newcastle
Teddyboy wrote: Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:11 pm I haven't read so much nonsense in one place for a long time! Keep the comedy coming, please?
“Doc....Will I be OK?”

“I’m not sure. Mercury is in Uranus right now.”

“C’mon Doc. You know I don’t do that astrology stuff.”

“Neither do I...but my thermometer broke.”

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:44 pm
by Aromagician
You cannot see a virus with the eye, but still it exists.
Energy is created by a strong emotion and can be felt in a room upon entering without any words being spoken.
Where does all that energy go?
What kind of energy do we put out every day?
Ridicule of others whose beliefs are not the same as ours?
Dismissing the unseen worlds?
treating others differently because we dont see or feel what they do?

No wonder the Ancient Mystical societies hid from the masses. Energy is powerful. I beleive Humans are capable of amazing things. Once we realise that the material world is not the only dimension we inhabit.

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:28 am
by newcastle
I think I see Scorpio rising..... :)))

I have noticed an interesting irony.

In newspapers, Sudoku/crossword puzzles are often placed next to the horoscopes. The former expects you to use your brain, while the latter assumes that you will turn it off.

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:03 pm
by Aromagician
Not everything can be sensed by the brain. Bruce Lipton has interesting theories on perception. Every cell in our body has the capacity to feel and react according to its perception. Time to open yourself up to more dimensions than the one.

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:57 pm
by newcastle
Aromagician wrote: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:03 pm Time to open yourself up to more dimensions than the one.
There’s me thinking there were three....four if, like Einstein, you include time.

Don’t think I’ll be adding a fifth any time soon..... but I’m always open to proof. Of the rigorous scientific kind I should add! :lol:

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:41 pm
by carrie
I find all this astrological completely unbelievable. Still Aromamagician thinks it works and he is entitled to his opinion.
What I would question however is how the Sun, Sirius and the Earth in conjunction or not can alter DNA.

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:12 pm
by newcastle
carrie wrote: Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:41 pm I find all this astrological completely unbelievable. Still Aromamagician thinks it works and he is entitled to his opinion.
What I would question however is how the Sun, Sirius and the Earth in conjunction or not can alter DNA.
You’ve put your finger on it Carrie. Most people find the pseudo-science of astrology totally unbelievable....a view linked to the absence of any realistic evidence.

But, if you are prepared to believe something without a shred of evidence, and often contrary to proven science, then astrology is for you. Many people...myself included...will read their horoscope from time to time. Believing it to be other than a bit of harmless fun is another matter. :lol:

The rise of mono-theistic religion seems to have done for any widespread belief in astrology .....although, in my book, they share a complete absence of credibility. At least the religious generally acknowledge that there’s no rhyme or reason to their belief and have no need to dress it up in pseudo-scientific gobbledegook involving celestial bodies aligning , unseen “energies” etc.

On the other hand, while I view astrology as a harmless fantasy unlikely to have any impact on humanity, the same cannot be said of organised religion.....and not necessarily to its benefit.

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:45 pm
by John Landon
Aromagician wrote: Sun Aug 09, 2020 12:57 am So what does that mean ?
Maybe men washing their hands furiously every day singing happy birthday to make sure they don’t catch the coronavirus
Its all to do with the metaphors of the ages as told in the stars.

Taurus the Bull and related Bovine Symbology, was the golden age that left us, Along came the Exodus heralding in the age of Aries ( Rams Horn symbology) and the Old Testament age, then came Pisces with JC fishers of men ( 2 Fish Symbology) and the "New" Testament ( sorry thats a bit brief, the full explanation is a lot longer )
Whist the Good Books are not an accurate set of historical documents, it does hold some interesting truths, once you know where to look.

Now we have entered into the Age of Aquarius, the Water carrier pouring the water on the earth.

Water ( due to its nature and movement) is often seen as a metaphor for truth and knowledge, so Aquarius pouring the water upon the Earth is a sign that we will be hit with some truth.

Lets face it, in this technological age and age of more knowledge being shared more easily, then things should become more apparent to all and not just the chosen few peddling their "PyRaMids WuZ ToMbS", theory ...

Interesting times ahead as I said before... You do have to step back from the immediate distractions with the isolated events going on and take to the high ground the see the bigger picture that is emerging..

Anyhow, I wish you all well, Take care... D

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:13 pm
by Who2
"Why Egypt chose Chinese COVID-19 vaccine over Russian one"

'Nothing much to do with Astrology, although being a Scorpio, I trust no one, naturally!

But here, I reckon it's all down to money, Chinese money.
The Russians have not coughed up much since Suez Canal days.... 8) ... ussia.html

Ps: Well, I suppose the Chinese have to test the vaccine on somebody, don't they ?
Pss: Guess ? "What is the animal for Chinese New Year 2020?
Year of The Rat / Bat ?
P*ss: For your edification, Astrazeneca (a British co) have a massive complex just outside Cairo.

Re: Astrology, predictions and the Coronavirus AGE OF AQUARIUS

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:43 pm
by hatusu
Ive been rereading Tatiana Borsch’s predictions for the year 2020 written in November 2019. I know many people ridiculed it but I think it is quite interesting what she predicted, bearing in mind we didn’t have the slightest inkling of CV when she wrote it.
During this time, many will find that the problems which their country is experiencing as a whole are affecting their own fate and professional activities. The stars, therefore, would suggest preparing oneself for potential financial difficulty and frustration during the calmer months of 2020, that is, between January and May.
But no system will give up without a fight. The resistance of the old world will be stubborn and belligerent but ultimately futile as the year 2020 will put paid in a powerful way to the old political world model as well as everything that has already exhausted its usefulness. The period between August and October may herald a huge, global economic crisis that will affect all countries throughout the world.
The years 2020 and 2021 are crucial for all humanity.
Unrest in the countries of the European Union will intensify as these populations come to understand that the position of the political elite fails to represent the interests of the majority. EU residents will face a fall in standards of living which may spark demonstrations and strikes in France, Germany and Spain.
The situation in England may become highly unstable and the United States will not be exempt from crisis either which will be economic as much as a political in nature. It is likely that the situation surrounding President Donald Trump will become even more complex. The confrontation between Trump and his opponents will intensify, and discord among the American elite could culminate in a crisis capable of rocking the entire system. This in turn would cause the value of the American dollar to plummet. It is probable that the dollar will begin to fall by 2021 and continue to decline.

The United States and China are unlikely to find a common language and I fear the trade war between these two great powers will continue and in the longer term, China may come out tops.