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John Landon
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Re: Curious.

Post by John Landon »

Diversifying into cannabis subject, back in the day when I was blighted with chronic pain from kidney stones, I was admitted to hospital with severe pain and they gave me morphine, which took the pain away for about 5 hours. After that I'm the middle of the night whilst I was in the ward and the pain came back, that gave me paracetamol IV.

Obviously that didnt work, but the nurse said she couldn't give me morphine as she needed a doctor to sign a prescription.
So I told her to wake the ****** up as he was fast asleep in a cubicle in the ward next to me.
She looked a tad surprised that I knew this, and she went anyway to investigate and finally came back with more morphine. This was after 3 hours in total of excruciating agony for me.

Next day I went home, called one of my mates and had a tub of cannabis delivered to my house.
When the pain returned, I smoked a spliff, and the pain went within 15 minutes and remained absent for the next 16 hours. .

So morphine ? Has to be manufactured and placed into vials, a prescription has to be raised , a pharmacist has to then locate the stuff and send it to the ward via a porter, the. A doctor has to get a syringe from the medical supplies and inject the patient. At what cost god himself only knows.

Whereas, a mate on a bike can deliver a far more effective, non addictive, natural pain relief for a week for the princely sum of 50 quid via a plant that can grow naturally just about anywhere in the world.
And it's banned by a caring government.

Where's the logic in that ?

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Re: Curious.

Post by HEPZIBAH »

DJKeefy wrote: Sun Dec 12, 2021 5:47 am The only notifications are when you login to Luxor4u, however you can get emails sent to you by changing the options in your user control panel / board preferences/ edit notifications options:
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Blimey! I didn't know most of that. I guess the forums work well enough for me the way I have it all set up. I certainly don't feel I'm missing out on anything.
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Re: Curious.

Post by newcastle »

Re cannabis.....I agree that it should be legalized generally. In reality, it more or less is, except you have to run the gauntlet of dealers etc...with obvious knock on issues.

But our politicos seem dead set against it....

@John Landon

Your tale reminded me of my experience having a cornea graft many years ago. They keep you in overnight and, when the anaesthetic wore off, the pain was excruciating. I kept the ward awake moaning and groaning into my pillow. Needless to say , the paracetamol was useless.

Eventually, the night nurse came over to ask me to be quiet....and I told her I needed something morphine.

“Sorry” she said. “You need a doctor for that”

I exploded!!

“This is a f*cking hospital. Surely you have doctors?”

Apparently nowhere near the ward.

So , at my insistence, they wheeled me to A&E where a doctor gave me a morphine injection.
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Re: Curious.

Post by BENNU »

I received an email this evening about a thread in which I had been active:

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