"An Important Announcement from No 10.
Bugger it's 13.30hrs......
Oh! 'so she's gone only 6 weeks ? a record last held by George Canning another Tory 16 weeks but he died.
Be worried, be very worried, it could be that classic wig my mates' mate, Rees-Mogg...
Jacob ! He's a survivor a true blue Tory....
"Someone should 'smack that prat with the megaphone in Whitehall.....'where's a truncheon one you need one ?...
Anyhow Amelia, her over the road Edwards. She was a weird one...
My local newspaper the EC1 Echo has a good feature on her, seems they are republishing her
A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
And i've found out that her Egyptian Exploration Society is only a 10 minute walk away.
And that the Petrie Museum is up near the British Museum, where all her little 'collectables are now..
Well worth a walk...
Oh! God, I can hear the dreaded name of 'Bring Boris back blaring from the telly.
I do wish I could be back in Najar abu Ramadan...end of rant currently reading...
Rury the actor bought it down from Edinburgh for me, plus a Dyson animal electric hoover, mine broke...

Ps: It's pi**ing cats and dogs down here..Why oh why couldn't it have happened at 1.30 ?
Pss: George Canning ex Prime Minister founded a club in St James, an entrepreneur!